Tipos de embutidos españoles
Rason J, Martin JF, Dufour E, Lebecque A. Diversidad de las características sensoriales de los embutidos secos tradicionales del centro de Francia: Relación con las prácticas regionales de fabricación. Food Qual Prefer 2007;18(3):517-530.
Di Gagno R, Chaves LC, Tofalo R, Gallo G, De Angelis M, Paparella A, Hammes PW, Gobbetti M. Comparison of the compositional, microbiological, biochemical and volatile profile characteristics of three Italian PDO fermented sausages. Meat Sci 2008;79(2):224-235.
Salgado A, García-Fontán MC, Franco I, Lóez M, Carballo J. Cambios bioquímicos durante la maduración del Chorizo de cebolla. Efecto del sistema de fabricación (casero o industrial). Food Chem 2005;92(3):413-424.
Fonseca S, Cachaldora A, Gómez M, Franco I, Carballo J. Monitoring the bacterial population dynamics during the ripening of Galician chorizo, a traditional dry fermented Spanish sausage. Food Microbiol 2013;33(1):77-84.
Fonseca S, Cachaldora A, Gómez M, Franco I, Carballo J. Effect of different autochthonous starter cultures on the volatile compounds profile and sensory properties of Galician chorizo, a traditional Spanish dry fermented sausage. Food Control 2013;33(1):6-14.
Tipos de embutidos argentinos
“He viajado dos veces a España y me sorprendió la cantidad de lugares que tenían jamones colgados. El sabor es increíble y como nada de los jamones aquí en los EE.UU.. He hecho mis propios jamones y el sabor es MUCHO mejor que los jamones “curados” de la charcutería. Hacía uno para mí y otro para mi padre cada año e incluso empecé a hacerlos para mi hermano. Ahora tengo una hermana que los hace y los comparte (que Dios la bendiga) con nuestra familia. Estoy deseando volver a tener un jamone en casa para las fiestas. Es un momento especial tener familia y amigos en casa y poder ofrecerles jamón que has hecho tú. Puede que nunca sea tan bueno como el Jamón Ibérico de Bellota pero seguro que se disfruta”.
Types of meat sausages
Q : What services do you offer? A : Chorizo Providencia is dedicated to ensuring that our customers always have chorizo or longaniza when they need it. All of our products are manufactured in accordance with USDA regulations and are updated daily. We also offer delivery service for orders within Los Angeles County if they meet the minimum quantity. This delivery is available Monday through Friday and can be made as soon as one day after your order.
Q : How can I start selling your chorizo and longaniza in my store or restaurant? A : If you’d like to be a part of our team and receive our free delivery service for your business just give us a call or send us a message. Provide us with your address, phone number, and the name of your business and we can provide you with a free sample and set up a routine schedule for delivery based on your needs.
Cheese is a sausage
Beans, judiones, fabes, fabes, habichuelas, pochas, and all those kinds of stews in general admit or ask for chorizo with them. The orange color provided by the paprika of the chorizo makes them unmistakable.
If to the fact of taking hot freshly baked bread we add the fact that inside the bun a chorizo is cooked, losing fat that is impregnated in the dough of the bread, we achieve a masterful and powerful combination.
Cooking chorizo in cider is probably one of the greatest inventions of mankind. It can be used both to make a skewer and spread it on bread and to garnish a potato omelette with the resulting juice and the chorizo.
The casquería in general are perhaps not the dishes that most scrupulous people like. But tripe with chorizo is undoubtedly a good example of popular food made with this ingredient.